
The At Fault Driver Did Not Have Insurance..Now what?

uninsured driver oh fender bender

Many of our clients call us following an auto accident and explain that the individual who caused the wreck did not have insurance. This situation is quite common unfortutunately and presents an obvious problem when property damage and/or personal injuries are involved. Fortunately there are solutions. 

Bringing an Uninsured Motorist Claim

My Employer says I was Not on the Job: Cincinnati BWC claims

Workers comp injury not on job

Many people call us and tell us that they were hurt on the job but their employer, or the BWC does not believe the injury was sustained due to work. A compensable injury in Ohio is one that occurs in the course of and arising out of emplyment. This is a two prong test but the two requirements can often get blurred.

Many Factors Are Considered In Determining If An Injury Was "On The Job"

Big Car Crash in Cincinnati: Significant Injuries and Documentation

Significant car accident cincinnati oh documentation

Not all car accidents are equal in severity, and differ greatly in terms of injury. Sometimes we see auto accident cases with very little property damage yet serious injuries. Othertimes, we see serious car damage and relatively minor injuries. Some experts have opined that there is a loose correlation between property damage and injury. The insurance industry often relies strongly upon property damage in evaluating claims. Regardless of the severity of one's injuries, documentation is key.

Serious Cincinnati Car Crashes and Evidence of Injuries

Cincinnati Car Crash Report and the Cop: The Wreck Was Not My Fault!

Cincinnati Car Crash Accident Lawyer

Many prospective clients call us after a Cincinnati accident and tell us that the crash report (or "OH-1") mistakenly cites them as being at fault for the accident. This can be a very frustrating experience to say the least. We generally see this happen with "side-swipe" and/or "t bone" style accidents at intersections where each driver claims he or she had the right of way.

Gather the Evidence

My Employer is Fighting My Work Comp Claim

cincinnati work comp attorney

It is quite common for an employer to contest or fight a workers comp claim. An employer may argue that an accident at work did not actually take place, or that if it did, it did not result in serious injury. I often advise clients to try and remain calm under such circumstances as they are very common and rarely personal. That being said, such a situation can be both frustrating and worrisome, especially considering the medical bills and loss of income that often accompanyies a work injury.

Cincinnati Workers Comp Insurance Hearing: Lawyers and You

workers comp insurance lawyer

Heading to the Industrial Commission for a workers comp or BWC claim can be a confusing and stressful experience. Whether your injury was a result of a lifting accident, a car crash on the job, a slip and fall, or otherwise, you should feel prepared and confident walking into the hearing room. Having an Ohio workers comp lawyer on your side can help you tackle the issues that may arise.

Cincinnati Accident Lawyers : Work Injuries (BWC) and Car Accidents

Cincinnati accident lawyers

The vast majority of law offices these days specialize in a particular area or areas of the law. Larger firms may specialize in dozens of areas or more. At McKenzie & Snyder LLP we have made a calculated decision to narrow our focus to personal injury claims and workers comp claims. We believe that in doing so we are able to provide our clients with better service and greater expertise.

Work Comp Injuries in Cincinnati 

Cincinnati Work Injuries and Legal Representation

Cincinnati Work Injury Lawyer

Getting injured at work can result in a confusing and frustrating experience. Whether your injury requires physical therapy or extensive surgery, the bureau of workers' compensation (BWC) claim process can pose challenges you may not wish to tackle alone.

Many Ohio Injured Workers Go Through this Difficult Process

Cincinnati Workers Comp Trial Lawyers : Going to Trial

cincinnati lawyer, work injury, courtroom trial

Sometimes Ohio BWC claims or "work comp" claims will be decided in a court of law. One of the most common instances is where there is a dispute over whether or not the claim should be allowed. Generally this means that the employee is alleging that he or she was injured on the job and the employer alleges that there was either no injury or it was not sufficiently work related.

Workers Comp Trials in Cincinnati 

Meeting with a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer

cincinnati, lawyer, injury, accident, attorney

Meeting with a Cincinnati injury lawyer can help you determine the right course of action after you have been injured in a car accident or suffered an on-the-job ("workers comp") injury. Each injury case is unique and requires careful consideration.

What happens during a consultation with an injury lawyer? 

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