
Five Good Things to Know About Injury Claims

five things to know about injuries

Countless situations can arise with respect to injury claims. This is true whether you are dealing with an auto accident or a work (BWC) injury claim. The following are five good things to know generally about injury claims. 

#1: Delaying Treatment Can and Often Will be Used Against You

Permanent Injury in Ohio Personal Injury and Work Comp Cases

cincinnati rear end accident

Following a work injury or a car accident, many individuals will receive medical and/or chiropractic treatment and make a full recovery. However, many unfortunate individuals will be left with permanent residuals or injuries that never go away. Sometimes the permanent injury is minor (e.g., a backache that mildly flares up when the weather turns cold), sometimes the permanent injury is substantial and disabling (e.g., herniated cervical disc). 

Ohio BWC Permanent Partial Disability Award

Cincinnati Accident Lawyers : Work Injuries (BWC) and Car Accidents

Cincinnati accident lawyers

The vast majority of law offices these days specialize in a particular area or areas of the law. Larger firms may specialize in dozens of areas or more. At McKenzie & Snyder LLP we have made a calculated decision to narrow our focus to personal injury claims and workers comp claims. We believe that in doing so we are able to provide our clients with better service and greater expertise.

Work Comp Injuries in Cincinnati 

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