Cincinnati Lawyer

Cincinnati Car Wreck Injury Claims Common Issues

Cincinnati Car Wreck Lawyer

Every auto accident case is unique and should be handled with care by a competent personal injury lawyer. Whether you are suffering from an injury to your lumbar spine, neck, shoulder, knee, or wrist, your claim should be looked at the utmost care. That being said, there are common issues that often arise in car accident injury claims. I have decided to highlight two of these issues for purposes of this article. 

What Is A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Claim?

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Attorney

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Claim? 

In Ohio, generally speaking, a “wrongful death” is a death caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another. The wrongful act or negligence provides the basis of liability in a civil lawsuit for damages. The act may be either intentional or unintentional. Regardless, the law firm of McKenzie & Snyder are skilled and up to date with the current state of the laws and the maneuvers that it requires to create a strong case and see it through.

Andrew Tobergte Cincinnati Injury Lawyer

Cincinnati injury lawyer
Andrew Tobergte- Cincinnati Accident attorney in Warren County, Butler County, and Hamilton County.

Disability Awards for Ohio Injured Workers

cincinnati accident attorney

Following a Cincinnati work injury, an injured worker may suffer from permanent or "residual" damage or impairment. An injured employee may then be compensated for this damage through what is commonly referred to as a "C-92" or  "PPD" award. For example, an Ohio worker may fracture his tailbone after falling at work and suffer permanent loss of mobility. He or she may then be eligible for an award based on that impairment or loss.

Bike Safety: Never Needing a Bicycle Accident Lawyer

 bike accidents injuries.

Cincinnati, Ohio has a strong and growing bicycle community, and although it has been a beautiful warm and long Autumn, the winter weather continues to grow colder and darker.  It is as important as ever to take the proper safety measures to avoid bike riding crashes and severe injuries. 

Cincinnati Lawyer; Free Consultation

CIncinnati Lawyer; Free Consultation

Suffering through the pain of a personal injury is a hard enough road to bear without having to deal with your auto insurance company, your boss giving you are hard time for missing work, and meeting your family's needs while your are off the job and injured.  That is why the law firm of McKenzie and Snyder offer free consultations.

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