
Five Good Things to Know About Injury Claims

five things to know about injuries

Countless situations can arise with respect to injury claims. This is true whether you are dealing with an auto accident or a work (BWC) injury claim. The following are five good things to know generally about injury claims. 

#1: Delaying Treatment Can and Often Will be Used Against You

Insurance Representative Is Being Rude to Me: Your Rights Following an Accident

insurance issues car accident cincinnati

Perhaps two to three times per week I will receive a phone call from a prospective client who tells me that he or she "did not want to involve a lawyer" but because a claim representative was rude to them, he or she felt there was no option but to retain a lawyer. This never ceases to amaze me, and I know that I am not the only lawyer who encounters this situation on a regular basis. It is particularly startling to me because the vast majority of people I speak with simply want to be treated fairly following an accident.

How to Bring a Workers Comp Claim in Ohio: Cincinnati and Dayton Area Lawyers

Ohio BWC lawyers in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Dayton OH

Under Ohio law, a worker who is injured or contracts an occupational disease “in the course of and arising out of” his or her employment is entitled to workers’ compensation. Ohio workers’ compensation is payable whether or not an injured worker was negligent (i.e., “at fault”) with regard to the injury.

Car Insurance Claim for Money Damages After Accident

insurance claim cincinnati lawyer

Following a Cincinnati car accident, you may be eligible for monetary compensation for injuries, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Many auto accident cases involve complex issues including liability (i.e., fault), insurance coverage, and causation of damages. Sometimes issues are involved that are not readily apparent. Consulting with an experienced lawyer from McKenzie & Snyder will help you gain a clear understanding of your claims. 

Colerain Cincinnati Personal Injury Claim Issues

colerain auto accident

Our firm represents many individuals in the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton areas. Many of our clients have been significantly injured in car crashes and experience similar issues when dealing with insurance coverage. It is only after trying to resolve a claim on their own do many of our clients contact us. Common questions we hear include the following: Why is the insurance company pressuring me to settle? I was told they would pay all my bills and now they are offering me less than what I owe, now what? Should I sue? What about my own insurance carrier, how are they involved here?

Mt. Healthy Injury Lawyers: Common Concerns in Cincinnati Car Accident Cases

mt healthy lawyer cincinnati car accident

When an auto accident occurs most people have more questions than answers about what should be done. Can I go get treatment right away? Should I get treatment right away? Who will pay? What will happen to my insurance rates? What if the person who caused the accident says it was my fault? What if the police report has inaccuracies? 

Lifting and Twisting all Day: Cummulative or Repetitive Trauma Injuries in the Cincinnati BWC Claim

chiropractor working on injured employee

One type of Cincinnati workmans comp claim that we see quite regularly is the repetitive or cummulative trauma type injury. This typically occurs when a worker is required to regularly lift or process objects in a continuous way. See National Institute of Health. These injuries are compensable in the same way as that of a distinct or acute injury (i.e., a fall or a car crash).

Such Injuries are On the BWC's Radar

Workmans Comp in Cincinnati: Claim Basics

workmans comp lawyer Ohio filing claim

Starting a workman's comp or BWC claim is actually quite simple. The filing of the first report of injury form (or "froi") and supporting documentation from your doctor is all that is generally required to get started. 

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