
The At Fault Driver Did Not Have Insurance..Now what?

uninsured driver oh fender bender

Many of our clients call us following an auto accident and explain that the individual who caused the wreck did not have insurance. This situation is quite common unfortutunately and presents an obvious problem when property damage and/or personal injuries are involved. Fortunately there are solutions. 

Bringing an Uninsured Motorist Claim

Cincinnati Car Crash Report and the Cop: The Wreck Was Not My Fault!

Cincinnati Car Crash Accident Lawyer

Many prospective clients call us after a Cincinnati accident and tell us that the crash report (or "OH-1") mistakenly cites them as being at fault for the accident. This can be a very frustrating experience to say the least. We generally see this happen with "side-swipe" and/or "t bone" style accidents at intersections where each driver claims he or she had the right of way.

Gather the Evidence

Cincinnati Accident Lawyers : Work Injuries (BWC) and Car Accidents

Cincinnati accident lawyers

The vast majority of law offices these days specialize in a particular area or areas of the law. Larger firms may specialize in dozens of areas or more. At McKenzie & Snyder LLP we have made a calculated decision to narrow our focus to personal injury claims and workers comp claims. We believe that in doing so we are able to provide our clients with better service and greater expertise.

Work Comp Injuries in Cincinnati 

Meeting with a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer

cincinnati, lawyer, injury, accident, attorney

Meeting with a Cincinnati injury lawyer can help you determine the right course of action after you have been injured in a car accident or suffered an on-the-job ("workers comp") injury. Each injury case is unique and requires careful consideration.

What happens during a consultation with an injury lawyer? 

Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer: Helping Injured Persons With a Personal Touch

hamilton car accident lawyer

Being involved in a car wreck can not only cause pain and misery, it can also result in loss of a job, loss of time with loved ones, costly medical bills and significant debt.

Consult with a Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney for Free

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