
Litigation and the Cincinnati Personal Injury Lawyer

Cincinnati Personal Injury Lawyer

Countless complaints are filed in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court stemming from injuries sustained in a car accident. These complaints generally allege "negligence" as the primary cause of action. That is, someone breached his or her duty to drive safely and caused harm to another person or persons. Once a complaint is filed, the "litigation" process begins.

What Is A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Claim?

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Attorney

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Claim? 

In Ohio, generally speaking, a “wrongful death” is a death caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another. The wrongful act or negligence provides the basis of liability in a civil lawsuit for damages. The act may be either intentional or unintentional. Regardless, the law firm of McKenzie & Snyder are skilled and up to date with the current state of the laws and the maneuvers that it requires to create a strong case and see it through.

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