
Car Accident Colerain Cincinnati with Commercial Vehicle

Colerain Cincinnati Car Accident

Getting into a Cincinnati car wreck with any type of car or other automobile can present difficult legal situations. Dealing with a commercial insurance carrier can present an extra layer of complexity, particularly where the accident involves an individual who was working at the time of the crash. Determining who will pay the bills to fix the vehicles, who will pay the medical bills, and who will represent the persons involved, are just a few of the questions that will need to be answered for proper resolution of the situation. 

Cincinnati Dog Bite Cases: Liability and Damages

dog lawyer cincinnati

Dogs make wonderful pets and for many provide stress relief and enjoyment. Unfortunately, dogs can also cause significant injury to people, property and other dogs. Let's take a look at some of the Ohio laws pertaining to dogs that may apply in a Cincinnati dog bite case. 

Common Law Liability: Is the dog "vicious"? 

Choosing a Local Lawyer: Practical Considerations

local lawyer in Cincinnati

Choosing a lawyer after you have been involved in a car accident or work injury can be a very frustrating experience. Oftentimes injured persons are swamped with mail from lawyers seeking their business. One may also get advice from friends or family members who have dealt with a particular lawyer in the past. 

Mt. Healthy Injury Lawyers: Common Concerns in Cincinnati Car Accident Cases

mt healthy lawyer cincinnati car accident

When an auto accident occurs most people have more questions than answers about what should be done. Can I go get treatment right away? Should I get treatment right away? Who will pay? What will happen to my insurance rates? What if the person who caused the accident says it was my fault? What if the police report has inaccuracies? 

Payment of Bills after Work Accident

hospital bill work injury

Following a work accident an injured employee may be hounded by collectors for outstanding balances with hospitals, doctors offices, physical therapy offices and more. In Ohio, if the injured employee has an allowed workers comp claim, those bills should be submitted to an MCO (managed care organization) or self-insured employer. 

The At Fault Driver Did Not Have Insurance..Now what?

uninsured driver oh fender bender

Many of our clients call us following an auto accident and explain that the individual who caused the wreck did not have insurance. This situation is quite common unfortutunately and presents an obvious problem when property damage and/or personal injuries are involved. Fortunately there are solutions. 

Bringing an Uninsured Motorist Claim

I have a Hearing at The Ohio Industrial Commission: What to expect...

Hearing at the Industrial Commission bwc claim

Many of our clients first contact us after they get a notice that their BWC claim is set for a hearing at the Industrial Commission. We hear mostly from people who have hearings at the Cincinnati or Fairborn Industrial Commission office locations.

What Happens At an Industrial Commission Hearing?

My Employer says I was Not on the Job: Cincinnati BWC claims

Workers comp injury not on job

Many people call us and tell us that they were hurt on the job but their employer, or the BWC does not believe the injury was sustained due to work. A compensable injury in Ohio is one that occurs in the course of and arising out of emplyment. This is a two prong test but the two requirements can often get blurred.

Many Factors Are Considered In Determining If An Injury Was "On The Job"

Big Car Crash in Cincinnati: Significant Injuries and Documentation

Significant car accident cincinnati oh documentation

Not all car accidents are equal in severity, and differ greatly in terms of injury. Sometimes we see auto accident cases with very little property damage yet serious injuries. Othertimes, we see serious car damage and relatively minor injuries. Some experts have opined that there is a loose correlation between property damage and injury. The insurance industry often relies strongly upon property damage in evaluating claims. Regardless of the severity of one's injuries, documentation is key.

Serious Cincinnati Car Crashes and Evidence of Injuries

Do I have an Ohio Workmans Comp claim AND a personal injury or insurance claim?

cincinnati lawyer insurance claim

Many clients contact us after being involved in an auto accident or car crash while on the job. This can make for a confusing situation with the different parties that are often involved. This article will try and remove some of the confusion. Note, however, careful review of one's individual case is strongly recommended and this article only touches on a few of the common issues that arise. 

An Injured Worker May Also Bring a Personal Injury Claim 

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