on the job

My Employer says I was Not on the Job: Cincinnati BWC claims

Workers comp injury not on job

Many people call us and tell us that they were hurt on the job but their employer, or the BWC does not believe the injury was sustained due to work. A compensable injury in Ohio is one that occurs in the course of and arising out of emplyment. This is a two prong test but the two requirements can often get blurred.

Many Factors Are Considered In Determining If An Injury Was "On The Job"

Cincinnati Car Accident While On The Job: Having A Personal Injury and Ohio BWC Claim

car accident on the job

We have many clients who have been injured in a Cincinnati car accident while on the job. When this occurs, it is possible to bring both a personal injury claim as well as a claim with the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation ("BWC") See: http://www.ohiobwc.com/default.aspx.

The Motor Vehicle Crash Must Be in the Course of And Arising Out of Employment

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