workers comp

Do I have an Ohio Workmans Comp claim AND a personal injury or insurance claim?

cincinnati lawyer insurance claim

Many clients contact us after being involved in an auto accident or car crash while on the job. This can make for a confusing situation with the different parties that are often involved. This article will try and remove some of the confusion. Note, however, careful review of one's individual case is strongly recommended and this article only touches on a few of the common issues that arise. 

An Injured Worker May Also Bring a Personal Injury Claim 

My Employer is Fighting My Work Comp Claim

cincinnati work comp attorney

It is quite common for an employer to contest or fight a workers comp claim. An employer may argue that an accident at work did not actually take place, or that if it did, it did not result in serious injury. I often advise clients to try and remain calm under such circumstances as they are very common and rarely personal. That being said, such a situation can be both frustrating and worrisome, especially considering the medical bills and loss of income that often accompanyies a work injury.

Cincinnati Workers Comp Insurance Hearing: Lawyers and You

workers comp insurance lawyer

Heading to the Industrial Commission for a workers comp or BWC claim can be a confusing and stressful experience. Whether your injury was a result of a lifting accident, a car crash on the job, a slip and fall, or otherwise, you should feel prepared and confident walking into the hearing room. Having an Ohio workers comp lawyer on your side can help you tackle the issues that may arise.

Cincinnati Work Injuries and Legal Representation

Cincinnati Work Injury Lawyer

Getting injured at work can result in a confusing and frustrating experience. Whether your injury requires physical therapy or extensive surgery, the bureau of workers' compensation (BWC) claim process can pose challenges you may not wish to tackle alone.

Many Ohio Injured Workers Go Through this Difficult Process

Cincinnati Workers Comp Trial Lawyers : Going to Trial

cincinnati lawyer, work injury, courtroom trial

Sometimes Ohio BWC claims or "work comp" claims will be decided in a court of law. One of the most common instances is where there is a dispute over whether or not the claim should be allowed. Generally this means that the employee is alleging that he or she was injured on the job and the employer alleges that there was either no injury or it was not sufficiently work related.

Workers Comp Trials in Cincinnati 

Additional Conditions in a Ohio BWC Claim

Additional Conditions Ohio BWC Claim

It is often necessary for our firm to request additional conditions be added into a BWC or "workers comp" claim. The reason for this is that a claim may not be recognized or allowed for conditions or diagnoses that are a result of the work injury. Not having the correct diagnoses allowed in one's claim can have serious negative consequences.

Example: Lumbar Sprain Allowance

Choosing a Cincinnati Injury Lawyer

hamilton, lawyer, workers comp, injury

Generally speaking it is always a good idea to consult with a Cincinnati lawyer when injured through the fault of another and/or on the job. Whether as injury was the result of a car crash or a lifting injury, rights and obligations exist, of which many people are unaware. An experienced BWC or personal injury lawyer can help you understand your claim, and map out a successful strategy. 

Lawyer for Work Comp Injury in Cincinnati Ohio

cincinnati workers' comp lawyer injury

There are many type of injuries people suffer on the job around Cincinnati.

Ohio Workers Compensation PPD Awards for Loss of Use

cincinnati attorney bwc job accident

Following a Cincinnati work injury a certain amount of permanent (or "residual") damage may remain. This lingering injury is compensable under Ohio law via what is called a "permanent partial disability award" (or "PPD" award for short). For example, if you break your arm or tear a ligament in your knee you may end up losing some of the use of your arm or leg. After filing a claim and requesting a permanent partial disability award a doctor may examine your ongoing problems and attribute a certain percentage of disability.

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